Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Inofficial 2.3 Patchnotes

combined from some blue posts, nothing official ;)

*Battlegrounds now have a buff period upon entering, and upon being resurrected at the Spirit Healer (similar to Arenas) (UPDATED)
* Healing Reduction effects now affect all Drain spells and abilities (i.e. Mortal Strike vs Drain Life) (UPDATED)
* Level 20-60 Quest EXP has been increased, while EXP to Level has been decreased
* New Title - Champion of the Naaru: Awarded to those who complete the Tempest Keep attunement quest at level 70
* New Flying Mount added. Requires 2,000g and Exalted with Cenarion Expedition
* New 10-Man Raid - Zul'Aman!
* Guild Banks are being added to the game.
* New Arena Relics have been added for more talent specs, and existing Relics have been renamed to create a more consistent naming convention
* +Healing bonus will give 33% of spell damage as well (1500 Healing bonus will give you 500 Spell damage)

* 10% coefficient tax removed from Improved Fireball and Improved Frostbolt
* New Spell - Ritual of Refreshment: Allows players to pick up food/water
* Evocation now restores 15% of your total mana each 2 seconds
* Arcane Meditation increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration
* Ice Barrier will receive additional benefit from +Dmg
* Ice Barrier (Rank 5, 6) have had their base absorb lowered

* New Talent - Elemental Focus: Puts you in a "focused state" after landing a melee critical strike, reducing the mana cost of your next Shock spell by 60%
* May equip 2-Handed Axes and 2-Handed Maces without spending talent points
* Frost Shock no longer has Diminishing Returns
* Shamanistic Rage will reduce damage taken by 30% in addition to it's current effects
* Spirit Weapons will reduce melee threat by 30%
* Mental Quickness adds 10/20/30% to +Dmg and +Healing based on your total Attack Power, in addition to it's current effects

* Cure Poison and Abolish Poison may now be cast in Tree of Life form (UPDATED)
* Remove Curse may now be cast in Moonkin form (UPDATED)
* Rebirth cooldown reduced to 20 minutes
* Intensity increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration

* Ritual of Souls has had it's casting time significantly reduced

* Mace Specialization proc has been reduced
* Mace Specialization Rage increased to 7
* Tactical Mastery now greatly increases threat from Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst while in Defensive Stance
* Devastate now combines the effects of Sunder Armor into it's effect, and is affected by all talents and items that affect Sunder Armor

* Power Word: Shield will receive additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing
* Power Word: Shield (Rank 10, 11, 12) have had their base absorb lowered
* Pain Suppresion may target Friendly targets
* Pain Suppresion reduces Friendly target's threat by 5%
* Pain Suppresion reduces Friendly target's damage taken by 40%
* Pain Suppresion cooldown reduced to 2 minutes
* Meditaion increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration
* Prayer of Healing gains additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing
* Circle of Healing gains additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing
* Circle of Healing's base healing has been reduced
* Holy Nova (Healing only) gains additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing

* Exorcism's mana cost has been lowered
* Holy Wrath's mana cost has been lowered
* Hammer of Wrath's mana cost has been lowered
* Vengeance has been increased to 30 seconds
* Improved Seal of the Crusader effect added to base abilitiy
* Improved Seal of the Crusader now gives the effects of Sanctified Crusader
* New Talent - Sanctified Seals: Increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and melee by 1/2/3%, and reduces the chance your Seals can be dispelled by 33/66/100%
* Crusader Strike cooldown is being reduced to 6 seconds

* Fleet Footed increased to 15% speed increase (UPDATED)
* Deadly Throw travel speed is being significantly increased
* Deadly Throw snare duration is being slightly increased by 1 second
* Deadly Throw no longer triggers Ruthlessness (UPDATED)
* Ruthlessness now only affects melee Finishing Moves (UPDATED)
* Blind no longer requires a reagent
* Blind is now a physical attack
* Blind now shares the Diminishing Returns of Cyclone
* Blind is now affected by Diminishing Returns in PvE
* Shadowstep may now be used while not in stealth
* Shadowstep reduces threat caused by your next Ambush, Garrote, or Backstab by 50%
* Shadowstep cooldown increased to 40 seconds
* Dirty Deeds increases damage of special attacks by 10/20% against targets below 35% health

* Wyvern Sting is now instant cast (UPDATED)
* Arcane Shot (Rank 6+) will now dispel 1 Magic effect in addition to damage (UPDATED)
* Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap, and Explosive Trap gain additional damage based on Ranged Attack Power

* New Recipe - Field Repair Bot: Dropped(?) by Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountains
* New Field Repair Bot is able to buy/sell
* Flying Mount added for Engineers. Regular and Epic version.

* Fish Tracking may be learned from a journal, fished from crates
* New fish added near Karazhan and Zul'Aman

* New Daily Quests (UPDATED)
* New recipes added for fish found near Karazhan and Zul'Aman.

via MMO-Champion


aSak said...

Nice to have a link to my blog on your site. Thank you. :)

chryses said...

aber gern doch ;)